Simia Engine

Simia Engine is a web engine for point-and-click games, inspired by classics like Monkey Island (fun fact: Simia is Latin for monkey). Initially a simple Myst-inspired JS framework for linking together images, the choice of a web-based engine ensures accessibility across devices without the need for installing anything.

My goal was to turn this framework into an engine with a visual editor. Knowing I wanted to add more features, like classic adventure games' conversation trees, I set the engine and editor up in a fully modular way.

Built on a Chromium-based editor with NodeJS and Electron, Simia Engine offers three main modules:
Area Editor: Configure backgrounds and interactable areas effortlessly.
Game Flow: Construct conversation trees and game events using nodes.
Code Editor: Use JavaScript to add custom events and gameplay mechanics.

The engine also lets you play the game for quick testing and fast iteration.

Future modules plans include a simple image editor, but the current focus is writing documentation to get the engine ready for release.




